
i2D to Present at PIANC 2024 in Sydney, Australia

in2Dredging Pty Ltd (i2D) is presenting at the PIANC APAC Conference again this year, which takes place from August 27 to 30, 2024, in Sydney. This event will bring together a great group of engineers, planners, scientists and contractors. It will focus on technical, operational and other issues related to Asia Pacific’s ports, harbours and recreational boating facilities.

i2D will be presenting a Drilling and Blasting paper as well as a paper on Return Water Quality at the conference.

Greg Miller, a Principal Dredging Consultant at i2D, will be delivering the paper on marine Drilling and Blasting. This paper delves into the critical issues surrounding Drilling and Blasting projects in marine environments. It addresses the growing need for sustainable and transparent practices in this field as well as the need to operate with social license.

The Return Water Quality paper will be delivered by i2D’s Director and Principal Dredging Engineer, Simon Burgmans. The paper delves into the stringent turbidity requirements that govern return water quality. It emphasises the importance of adhering to these standards to avoid disruptions to dredging operations, and more importantly, to prevent damage to the surrounding environment.

Marine Drilling & Blasting Projects and Social License to Operate

Communities’ and activists’ concerns with marine Drilling and Basting projects stem from the belief that these projects recklessly harm marine life and damage community assets. Consequently, a responsible Drilling and Blasting project should begin by transparently informing stakeholders of the project’s risks and control measures.

Sociologists Thomson and Boutilier maintained that the key to securing social license to operate is to identify all parties affected by or who have an interest in the project and obtain their approval.

i2D’s paper highlights the importance of restoring the social license to operate for marine Drilling and Blasting projects. It emphasizes the need for transparency, higher environmental standards and active community involvement in decision-making processes.

Advanced Return Water Quality Management

This paper sheds light on the management of return water quality from sedimentation basins, a critical aspect of dredging operations. This topic is key to both environmental conservation and operational efficiency of dredging activities.

Exceeding turbidity thresholds can lead to significant operational and ecological challenges. Hence, meticulous monitoring of return water quality is essential. This involves a comprehensive understanding of soil properties, basin dimensions and flow rates. Traditionally, managing these factors in real-time has been a complex and resource-intensive task. However, the advent of data analytics has opened new avenues for optimising water quality management.

This paper introduces a unique model that employs predictive modelling to maintain compliance with turbidity requirements. This model facilitates proactive turbidity management strategies that safeguard aquatic ecosystems while maintaining the pace and efficiency of dredging activities.

Join i2D at the PIANC 2024 conference to gain valuable insights from i2D’s research on Drilling and Blasting. Discussions will cover how everyone can collectively enhance the sustainability and social acceptance of marine Drilling and Blasting projects.

Attendees will also gain valuable insights into how real-time data and predictive analytics can revolutionise return water quality management, setting a new standard for sustainable and efficient dredging operations.

i2D looks forward to seeing you in Sydney!

For more information on PIANC 2024 please visit the official PIANC website. To register for the conference visit Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of PIANC APAC 2024.