dredge pump and pipeline estimating tool

How does Pumps and Pipeline Estimating Tool Work?

How Pumps and Pipeline Estimating Tool Works Recently, in2Dredging developed  Pumps and Pipeline (PnP) estimating tool that can accurately estimate the suction and discharge production of any dredging or mining equipment that hydraulically transports soil like materials. In this post, the results of PnP are chronologically introduced to explain on a high level how PnP works. It […]

PnP graph: dredging pump and pipeline characteristics

i2D develops Pumps ‘n Pipeline (PnP) Tool

i2D’s Pumps ’n Pipeline (PnP) Tool in2Dredging has completed its own tool for accurately and almost instantaneously estimating suction and discharge production for any dredging or mining equipment that hydraulically transports material with pumps and pipeline. The new advanced software program is called Pump ‘n Pipeline (PnP). The program is an analytical tool, which accurately simulates […]