Accurate production estimates are key in determining budgets and schedules for any dredging project.
in2Dredging‘s paper for the CEDA Dredging Days Conference aims to assist Clients to recognise optimistic or unrealistic budgets and schedules. This paper deviates from previous papers on this subject in its level of definition.
“Production estimates are key to budgets and schedules”
Simon Burgmans, Greg Miller and Ralph Brevet – in2Dredging Pty Ltd
Five take home points:
- Unrealistic and optimistic budgets and schedules are an issue for both Contractor and Client;
- Suction and discharge production rates can be reliably estimated for most projects;
- Rock cutting production estimates should consider the entire cutting installation;
- Typically, low jetting production rates in impermeable sand and stiffer clay can be accurately estimated;
- Both Contractors and Clients can and should monitor dredges’ performance by acquiring digital data.